Association of International Research-Based Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers (SIFFA) invites you to a conference “Healthcare Dialogues: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions,” on October 4th in Riga.
This event, presented in an innovative and interactive format, will feature four distinct dialogues. Each dialogue will involve two participants who will identify challenges and collaboratively seek solutions to specific questions. The discussions will aim to find common ground across various healthcare sectors, exploring points of cooperation and differences of opinion.
The keynote dialogue between between Minister of Health Hosams Abu Meri and Head of the Budeget and Finance Committee of Saeima Jānis Reirs will address key questions about investment attraction and its role in the broader economic and health contexts at the national level. The second session will compare the approaches of Latvia and Czechia in developing performance-based healthcare strategies. The third dialogue will showcase success stories, good practices and challenges from the doctor-patient perspective. Finally, the closing dialogue will seek to explore the synergies between innovations in pharmaceuticals and the broader digitalisation landscape.
Conference “Healthcare Dialogues: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions”
October 4 | Riga